Ace Attorney creator Ghost Trick could be heading to PC | Biden News

Ace Attorney creator Ghost Trick could be heading to PC

 | Biden News
Ace Attorney creator Ghost Trick could be heading to PC

 | Biden News


Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective was released for Nintendo DS in 2010. It was a linear detective game written and directed by Shu Takumi, the creator of the Phoenix Wright series, and has you solving puzzles – and avoiding murders – by possessing objects and corpses.

It was recently rated for a PC release in Korea.

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Capcom’s beloved DS adventure Ghost Trick rated for PC in South Korea | Biden News

Capcom’s beloved DS adventure Ghost Trick rated for PC in South Korea

 | Biden News

[ad_1] Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Capcom’s magnificent 2011 paranormal puzzle adventure about possessing inanimate objects, may be making a comeback, with the South Korean ratings board now listing it for release on PC. Ghost Trick, for those unlucky enough to never make its acquaintance, was created by Shu Takumi, best known as the designer of … Read more

Ghost Trick, which has the best dog in video games, has been rated for PC in Korea | Biden News

Ghost Trick, which has the best dog in video games, has been rated for PC in Korea

 | Biden News

[ad_1] Once again Korea’s Game Evaluation and Management Committee seems to have come through with a suggestion for an upcoming game. Thanks to them we got an early clue about the remaster of Mass Effect, as well as the PC port of Sunset Overdrive, and a Silent Hill game was classified there a month before … Read more

Modern Warfare 2 players have come up with an ingenious trick to get thousands of XP in seconds. | Biden News

Modern Warfare 2 players have come up with an ingenious trick to get thousands of XP in seconds.

 | Biden News

[ad_1] Modern Warfare 2 players in the game’s multiplayer have discovered a sneaky way to get thousands of XP in no time: all you need is an enemy tank, a suppressive mine, and an abundance of faith. First documented on Reddit, the trick requires you to climb atop an enemy tank—one with an open hatch—and … Read more