Windows 11 seems to hamper AMD Ryzen 7000 performance | Biden News

Windows 11 seems to hamper AMD Ryzen 7000 performance

 | Biden News


The performance of AMD’s latest CPUs seems to show that the Ryzen 5 CPUs are the best choice for gamers. This is because the dual CCD (Core Compute Die) configurations found at the top of the Ryzen 7000 stack seem to clash with the Microsoft Windows 11 thread scheduler and perform worse than they should.

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CapFrameX (opens in a new tab) and Hardware Unboxed (opens in a new tab) both took to Twitter to reveal that this generation’s top AMD chip lagged behind the single CCD chips in some games – with Metro Exodus in particular dropping from 176fps single CCD average to 151fps on the stock Ryzen 9 7950X configuration .


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