Team Ninja’s robust “masocore” launches early next year | Biden News


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (opens in a new tab), Team Ninja’s mythological and grasshopper follow-up project, has been given a release date. Players will be able to cut a beam through Wo Long’s Han Dynasty China on March 3, 2023 “via Windows and Steam,” according to an announcement on the game’s Twitter page.

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Developed alongside Dynasty Warriors creator Koei Tecmo, Wo Long bills itself as a “dark fantasy Three Kingdoms masocore game,” and we’ve gotten our first glimpse. (opens in a new tab) of it during the summer exhibition of Microsoft in June this year. It looks, well, like a pretty unpleasant time to be living in: grasshoppers scuttle over corpses, smoke rises from burning villages, and everywhere you look burly men are swinging sticks at each other. In other words, it looks a lot like Nioh with a dash of Dynasty Warriors-style bombast, which makes sense.


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