Modern Warfare 2 crossplay cannot be disabled on Xbox and PC versions | Biden News


Xbox and PC players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II have discovered that they cannot directly disable cross-play in the latest CoD entry.

The PlayStation versions of the game contain an option allowing players to either enable or disable cross-play with other platforms, as has been the case in recent CoD titles on all platforms.

However, the Xbox and PC versions now completely lack this option, leading players to take to Twitter to express their frustration.

Some players prefer to turn off crossplay to ensure that their opponents and teammates are using similar hardware to them.

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Console gamers may want to turn off cross-play because most PC gamers use a mouse and keyboard, and PC versions of games are more susceptible to cheating software.

Meanwhile, since console versions tend to have aim assist as an option, some PC players may prefer to only play against other PC players to avoid playing against aim-assisted opponents.

Since the option is enabled in the PlayStation version of the game, this means that PS4 and PS5 owners can choose to play only against other PS4 and PS5 players.

However, Xbox and PC players currently do not have an in-game option to turn off cross-play, which means they must face players on other systems without blocking them cross-platform.

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Unless the game is patched with the option to disable crossplay, the only way Xbox players can fix this is by disabling crossplay at the system level, which will disable crossplay in all games.

To do so, players must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on the Xbox console
  2. Go to the General tab and select ‘Online safety and family’
  3. Select “Privacy and online security” and “Xbox Live privacy”
  4. Select ‘View details and customize’, then ‘Communication and multiplayer’
  5. On the tab that says “You can play with people outside of Xbox Live,” select “Block.”

PC players do not have the option to block crossplay on the PC level, meaning until Activision fixes this in a patch, they are stuck playing against console players.

Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer mode officially went live on Friday, following a week of early access to the game’s campaign for those who pre-ordered.

Sony and Activision have fully detailed the exclusive features that PlayStation users get in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.