Other Top MBA Programs Don’t Require GMAT Or GRE In 2022-2023 | Biden News

Other Top MBA Programs Don’t Require GMAT Or GRE In 2022-2023

 | Biden News


University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business joins some of the top MBA programs allowing GMAT waivers for applicants to MBA and other postgraduate business programs for the 2022-2023 cycle

The last few years have been tough on the Graduate Management Admissions Test.

Once the undisputed king of entrance exams for graduate business schools, GMAT has lost market share to the Graduate Notes Examination amid a dramatic year-long decline in the number of examinees globally. GMAT lost its main cache earlier this year when US News removed it (along with GRE) as a ranking metric.

The Covid-19 pandemic hastened the decline in the GMAT, as many business schools ignored the test in the acknowledgment that it was too often a logistical difficulty. (Some B-schools have gone further, expressing a preference for a more “holistic” admissions process that places no emphasis on entrance exams at all.) Exam waivers have continued even as the MBA program has returned to a more normal state.


Joe Sweeney of Notre Dame: “We continue to assess the overall success of candidates who have joined our program without test scores”

Even as most MBA students have returned to class in person and other pandemic adjustments have been cancelled, the lure of avoiding the GMAT persists for many B schools. Now another top school, Notre Dame Mendoza College of Businesshas announced it will join others in extending its GMAT/GRE waiver policy for the 2022-2023 application cycle.

“Initially the GMAT/GRE waiver was offered in response to challenges related to ability to take the exam during the Covid-19 pandemic,” Joe Sweeney, academic director of the Notre Dame MBA, said. Poets & Quantity. “The continuation of the waiver reflects the fact that the lingering effects of the pandemic continue to impact test access and experience.”

Sweeney suggests that the waiver policy may continue even past the current application cycle.

“We continue to assess the overall success of candidates who have joined our program without test scores to help inform long-term strategies regarding enrollment and evaluation criteria,” he said.

Notre Dame’s initial decision deadline for MBA, specialized masters (including MS Management, MS Accounting, MS Business Analytics, MS Finance, and Masters in Nonprofit Administration), and executive MBA programs is September 13; finally, the Round 4 deadline is May 2, 2023. See the table below for all application, interview and notification dates.

MBA/Master Specialist/EMNA/EMBA Application Deadline Virtual Interview Date Release Decision
Early Decision September 13 11-12 October November 4
R1 November 1 November 16-17 December 16
30 Nov – 1 Dec
R2 January 10 January 31 – February 1 March 17
February 14-15
(Provisional) February 21-22
R3 March 14 March 28-29 April 28
4-5 April
R4 May 2 May 16-17 June 2


Applicants to this cycle Notre Dame MBA program may submit a written request for a test waiver within the application. Additional considerations relating to test waivers are listed here.

Meanwhile, Mendoza College has shortened the essay requirements from the previous cycle. Applicants are invited to vote for the essay request they find most interesting to share with the admissions committee. Check out the new instructions below.

Command 1:

“The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842, by Father Edward Sorin, CSC, with the mission to become ‘one of the most powerful means of doing good in the country.’ In 1879, Father Sorin’s vision for Notre Dame seemed to come to an abrupt end when a huge fire destroyed the main building housing the entire university.

“Instead of giving up, Father Sorin interprets the fire as a sign that his dreams are too small. He then decided to rebuild, bigger and better. The now iconic main building still stands today, with its gleaming Golden Dome peak, a symbol of perseverance and sustainable vision.

“Tell us about a time, in your personal or professional experience, when you persevered and overcame an obstacle or you had to start over and rebuild.”

Command 2:

“The foundation of Notre Dame’s business education was the vision of the College’s founder and first dean, John Cardinal O’Hara: ‘The primary function of commerce is to serve mankind.’ Students choose Notre Dame because they are willing to Grow Good in Business™. They look beyond shareholder profits and value and drive decisions based on the greater good. Please explain what ‘cultivating goodness in business’ means to you.”



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