Fortune Education ranks online MBA programs among the best in the country | Biden News

Fortune Education ranks online MBA programs among the best in the country

 | Biden News


BI Moody III College of Business Administration continues to score highly for its online MBA program.

Its latest ranking is from Fortune Education, which places the program at No. 29 in the country on the list of Best Online MBA Programs in 2022. Fortune is a global media organization that publishes the business magazine of the same name.

Fortune Education’s recognition is noteworthy for several reasons, including the program’s high national ranking. Last year, UL Lafayette’s online MBA program was ranked 55th in Fortune Education’s region.
Fortune Education’s ranking, created last year, is based on many elements. They include surveys, academic strength of incoming students, graduation and retention rates, and overall enrollment. Other considerations include colleges and universities with alumni holding high positions in Fortune 1000 companies, and the strength of the institution’s brand.

P. Robert Viguerie Jr. is associate dean for graduate and executive programs for Moody’s College of Business Administration. He also directs the college’s MBA program. Viguerie attributes this recognition to many factors, including the overall quality of the University’s MBA program. The MBA curriculum is the same whether students are enrolled part-time, full-time, on-campus or online.

Viguerie also chooses competitive tuition rates and faculty and staff support for online MBA students. “We are committed to using open sources of education whenever possible and, if textbooks are needed, they are included in the tuition fee,” he explained.

Online MBA students – like students pursuing traditional delivery options – receive comprehensive guidance, Viguerie adds. “Staff members that included me, academic advisors, online enrollment specialists and others consulted with students by phone and email based on what was most convenient for them.”

Dr. Mary Farmer Kaiser, dean of the Graduate School, said recognition for the online MBA program symbolizes the University-wide commitment “to offer quality graduate programs across disciplines to increase access to educational opportunities and career advancement for working adults.”

“The online delivery of our graduate programs, including the online MBA, is an extension of the transformative programs we offer on campus. They are the same program, with the same rigor, designed by the same innovative faculty,” he added.

In addition to the Fortune Education rankings, the University’s online MBA program was recently recognized by the Princeton Review, which included it in the List of Best Online MBA Programs for 2022.

Check out other recent awards for online MBA programs. Learn more about this program on the UL Lafayette Online website.

Photo caption: BI Moody III College of Business Administration’s online MBA program has been ranked No. 29 in the country on Fortune Education’s list of Best Online MBA Programs for 2022. Photo credit: University of Louisiana at Lafayette


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