BCG Expands Target List To Recruit MBAs To 37 Elite Schools | Biden News

BCG Expands Target List To Recruit MBAs To 37 Elite Schools

 | Biden News


BCGers have enjoyed regrouping this summer through fun office events, case teams and diversity affinity networks

The Boston Consulting Group, one of the top recruiters for MBA talent, is a highly selective company. Last year, we revealed 28 business schools targeted by BCG to recruit incoming MBA students for a summer experience called BCG Unlock. The listed schools are clearly the preferred hunting ground for global consulting firms, although BCG is looking to hire some MBA graduates from business schools not on the list.

The target schools, of course, include the big brand powerhouses that dominate the top rankings of most MBAs. It won’t surprise anyone to learn that every M7 school is on the list: Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT Sloan, Booth, Kellogg, and Columbia. Nor would it be surprising to see the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, the University of Michigan’s Ross Business School or UC-Berkeley’s Haas School among the targets.

However, this year, BCG expanded its mostly US-based group of schools with nine additional MBA programs, adding many of Europe’s best performers as well as some in the US, including Howard University, 37 overall. In fact, some of the schools that didn’t make the list last year should be nothing more than omissions.

BCG Adds Top European B-Schools to Its Target Hiring List

However, INSEAD and London Business School were not on the list last year but are included now. A year ago, only the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management was the only non-US school. Also new to the target list are ESADE in Spain, HEC Paris in France, IE Business School in Spain, IESE Business School in Spain, Saïd Business School at Oxford University in the UK, and Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge in the UK. Great Britain.

According to BCG, the Unlock program introduces incoming MBAs “to people, insights and experiences that will enrich their skills, knowledge and relationships…As a BCG UnLock participant, you can expect a personal and honest dialogue with BCG consultants and leaders, as well as your pre-MBA colleagues. You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at our transformational work and digital capabilities, and dive deeper into the opportunities, support systems and tools we offer to help our employees be the best they can be.”

In short, this program gives consulting firms an early look at incoming MBA talent. For participants, it provides a glimpse of what a career in consulting looks like and gives students the opportunity to gain a summer internship between the first and second years of the MBA program and eventually a full-time job offer.

What Does the BCG Unlock Program Do For Incoming MBAs?

According to BCG, the Unlock program introduces incoming MBAs “to people, insights and experiences that will enrich their skills, knowledge and relationships…As a BCG UnLock participant, you can expect a personal and honest dialogue with BCG consultants and leaders, as well as your pre-MBA colleagues. You will also get. behind the scenes look at our transformational work and digital capabilities, and dive deeper into the opportunities, support systems and tools we offer to help our people be their best.”

In short, this program gives consulting firms an early look at incoming MBA talent. For participants, it provides a glimpse of what a career in consulting looks like and gives students the opportunity to gain a summer internship between the first and second years of the MBA program and eventually a full-time job offer. While the deadline for this year’s program is past, this list is informative for applicants looking to target BCG or other elite MBA employers in their future job search.

According to BCG, the Unlock program introduces incoming MBAs “to people, insights and experiences that will enrich their skills, knowledge and relationships…As a BCG UnLock participant, you can expect a personal and honest dialogue with BCG consultants and leaders, as well as your pre-MBA colleagues. You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at our transformational work and digital capabilities, and dive deeper into the opportunities, support systems and tools we offer to help our employees be the best they can be.”

Applicants Are Invited To A Series Of Neuroscience-Based Games

In short, this program gives consulting firms an early look at incoming MBA talent. For participants, it provides a glimpse of what a career in consulting looks like and gives students the opportunity to gain a summer internship between the first and second years of the MBA program and eventually a full-time job offer.

Incoming students who express interest in the BCG US office will also receive an email inviting them to play a series of Pymetrics games. These 12 neuroscience-based games provide insight into a person’s cognitive and emotional attributes and their potential for success at BCG. The game takes less than 25 minutes to play, and students have 48 hours to play it after accepting the invitation. “Pymetrics allows us to get to know you better and make the right connections throughout the hiring season, so make sure to find a quiet place where you can focus and get things done,” advises BCG.

All MBB companies have this pre-MBA program and all of them are very selective as business schools make target lists. At McKinsey & Co., eligibility for the Early Access program has been limited to only 17 business schools for incoming MBAs, but this year the company eliminated the target list (see McKinsey’s 17 Target Business Schools). Bain & Co. target list. for the ExperienceBain program spans 40 schools, though much more global, including the MBA from HEC Paris, IESE Business School and ESADE in Spain as well as US programs such as Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management, Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, and the University of Texas Jindal School of Management at Dallas. (See 40 Target Bain Business Schools).

List of Target Business Schools 2022 BCG For Pre-MBA Summer Experience




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