The October PC game releases and events you should know about | Biden News

The October PC game releases and events you should know about

 | Biden News


Spooky season is already showering us with stuff to play with thanks to the week-long Steam Next Fest (opens in a new tab) demo event that takes place from October 3-7. The launch of Overwatch 2 also succeeds in early October, and then there is a series of notable PC game releases: a new tactical RPG, a long-awaited horror game, a PlayStation exclusive, the long-delayed Gotham Knights, the new Modern Warfare 2. , and more.

For a more comprehensive look at what’s still ahead this year, visit our big guide to 2022 games. Below, I’ve cataloged the most prominent PC game releases from October, plus some updates and events like Meta Connect, which will include another “unscripted” talk from John Carmack. (opens in a new tab). (Whatever your view of “the metaverse,” you know Carmack VR thought a leadership session would have a highlight or two. Last year. (opens in a new tab) he commented on adult entertainment in the metaverse and told a story about playing Beat Saber with arm weights. )

October events and game updates

More October game releases


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