PC ports continue to boost sales of PlayStation games, pushing Spider-Man and other titles up the charts | Biden News

PC ports continue to boost sales of PlayStation games, pushing Spider-Man and other titles up the charts

 | Biden News


Sony’s strategy of bringing its first-party games to PC is paying off. Here’s how ports of Marvel’s Spider-Man, God of War, and other titles boost sales of PlayStation exclusives.

Last week, Axios’ Stephen Totilo pointed out how the launch of Marvel’s Spider-Man on PC boosted its sales in the US. The data was taken from the latest NPD Group report for August 2022.

In July, Marvel’s Spider-Man ranked as the 84th best-selling video game in the United States (physical and digital copies combined). Following the successful release of the PC version, the game shot up to third place.

As Totilo noted later, Spider-Man isn’t the only PlayStation game to benefit from the PC launch. To illustrate his point, he shared a chart created by his colleague Tory Lysik.

As can be seen below, Horizon Zero Dawn moved up from 89th to 12th place after its PC launch, while God of war jumped from 146th to 5th place.

Days Gone experienced the biggest boost, climbing from 247th to 20th place. So Sony’s strategy seems to be working well.

How are first-party PlayStation games selling on PC?

  • In May, Sony updated sales data for its games on PC. Horizon Zero Dawn leads the list, with 2.3 million units sold and $60 million in revenue on PC.
  • It is followed by God of War (971k copies sold and $26.2 million in revenue) and Days Gone (825k copies sold and $22.7 million in revenue).
  • The numbers have likely increased since then, so God of War’s lifetime sales on PC could already reach 1 million units.
  • PlayStation has not yet released official numbers for Marvel’s Spider-Man. But the game is likely to become one of the company’s biggest releases on PC, given its blockbuster status and over 26k positive reviews on steam.
  • On October 19, Sony will launch Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection on a computer that will likely become a nice addition to the company’s catalog.

Sony’s growing PC ambitions

  • In 2021, PlayStation acquired port studio Nixxes Software to help bring more first-party games to PC. The team was already working on the remaster of Spider-Man.
  • Later that year, the company too launched the PlayStation PC labelwhich will be responsible for all future computer ports.
  • Sony expected to earn $300 million of its PC releases during the new financial year ending March 31, 2023. It is a significant increase from $80 million and $35 million in the two previous years.
  • The company also stated that PC and mobile titles will make up about 50% of its total revenue by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026.


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