Modern Warfare 2 has the same “no prepaid phone” requirement as Overwatch 2 | Biden News

Modern Warfare 2 has the same “no prepaid phone” requirement as Overwatch 2

 | Biden News


Blizzard announced last week that all Overwatch 2 players will need to link a phone number to their accounts in order to play the game. The requirement was added as part of Blizzard’s work to combat toxicity and abuse in the game. But there is one major problem: The new 2FA system, called SMS Protect, will not accept certain types of numbers, “including prepaid and VOIP.” This of course caused a stir, as it effectively meant that if you own a prepaid mobile phone, you can’t play Overwatch.

It’s a confusing move. Requiring a phone number for ranked play is nothing new – Dota 2 (opens in a new tab) implemented such a political path back in 2017 and Rainbow Six Siege (opens in a new tab) has the same requirement—but requiring one to access the game at all, and excluding a large portion of potential players based solely on their choice of phone plan, is an entirely different level of restriction. The backlash against the policy was strong enough that Blizzard quickly relaxed the phone number requirement (opens in a new tab) for some Overwatch players.


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