Kerbal Space Program studio is working on something new | Biden News

Kerbal Space Program studio is working on something new

 | Biden News


Intercept Games was founded in early 2020 (opens in a new tab) to assume control of the development of Kerbal Space Program 2, which until that point had been in development at original Kerbal studio Star Theory Games. At the time, it seemed almost like a direct name change, as “key members” of the Kerbal 2 team including former Star Theory studio head Jeremy Ables, creative director Nate Simpson, and executive producer Nate Robinson all moved to Intercept to continue working on. the game

However, the process has not gone perfectly smoothly since then. At the time, Kerbal Space Program 2 was scheduled to be released sometime before March 31, 2021, but after multiple delays it is now expected to be released by early 2023. (opens in a new tab). It also recently emerged that while Intercept Games was formed specifically to work on Kerbal 2, it also has another game on the way.


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