Elden Ring dataminers discover scraps of DLC evidence in the latest patch | Biden News

Elden Ring dataminers discover scraps of DLC evidence in the latest patch

 | Biden News


On the back of Elden Ring’s 1.07 update, prolific Souls series data miners Lance McDonald and Zullie the Witch shared evidence of potential new DLC areas and ray tracing support being added behind the scenes with the patch.

Zullie (opens in a new tab) shared a screenshot of a level list for Elden Ring, which includes an entry for “m20_00_00_00: ???” As Zullie points out, m10-19 signals the IDs of legacy dungeons like Stormveil Castle (m10_00_00_00), or underground areas like Siofra or Ainsel (which are all preceded by m12). It’s far from certain, but the evidence seems to point to m20 being the name of a future DLC legacy dungeon.


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