Diablo 4 endgame beta asked testers not to leak it, so they leaked it right away | Biden News

Diablo 4 endgame beta asked testers not to leak it, so they leaked it right away

 | Biden News


What’s the old saying? Three can keep NDA if two of them are dead? Whatever it was, it was proven right by the recent launch of the end game beta for Diablo 4 (opens in a new tab)whose playtesters rushed to Reddit (opens in a new tab) to post about it almost as soon as they were invited, in clear violation of the big bright letters writing “CONFIDENTIAL” right there in the email.

Blizzard sent the beta invites exclusively to players who “have recently spent significant amounts of time playing the end-game experiences of Diablo II: Resurrected, Diablo III and Diablo Immortal,” according to an update. (opens in a new tab) the company laid out last month. The same update also pointed out that the beta would be “confidential, meaning that invited players will not be able to speak publicly or share their gameplay experience”. oh good


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