Cardy Removed from PC Caucus | Biden News

Cardy Removed from PC Caucus

 | Biden News


(Photo: GNB-You Tube)

It’s official — Dominic Cardy is no longer a member of the Progressive Conservative party.

The move comes a day later Cardy unexpectedly resigned as minister of education and early childhood development

In a letter, Prime Minister Blaine Higgs said the meeting found his behavior and actions over the past few days “unjustifiable”.

The prime minister reported to a meeting with Cardy on Thursday morning, where he expressed concerns about the education system and informed him of plans to remove him from the cabinet.

Higgs said he was “surprised to receive your resignation letter immediately.”

He called the content of Cardy’s resignation letter “vindictive and misleading”.

Higgs described it as “unfortunate and painful” that he would choose to leave this way.

Higgs said he plans to move forward and do the hard work their team was elected to do adding that he is focused on making improvements “that benefit New Brunswick in critical areas like health and education.”

He ended the letter by saying it was important to “rise above” and stay focused on the mission at hand before signing off with the words “province before politics”.

Veteran broadcast journalist serving Port City airwaves (and beyond) for 18 years on seven different radio stations. 15 of them on King Street. Cat mom obsessed with British TV and tea.


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