Akupara Games will release a retro horror game Sorry We’re Closed for PC | Biden News


Akupara Games will publish the mod game-developed retro-style survival horror game Sorry, we are closed for PC via Steam when it launches in 2024, the company announced.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Akupara Games:


Sorry, we are closed is a nostalgic single-player survival horror game with rich folk and character interactions to multiple endings. Follow Michelle’s final days, explore disturbing locations using the environment to hide and survive with clever plans and the demon gun as your only defense.

With only a few days of freedom left, Michelle must find answers. Why did a dangerous and powerful demon put a curse on her? And what can she do to save her own precious skin?

Key Features

  • Surreal Surroundings – Explore the divisive drama of Michelle’s vibrant home turf.
  • Cryptographic Characters – Get involved in the lives of the curious residents and mysterious demons. Help (or hinder!) them in their quest for freedom from your untimely demise.
  • Dive into the Demon World – Try to survive unwelcoming environments. Michelle may not be afraid, but she is still vulnerable.
  • Forge Your Destiny – Choose who to talk to and where to visit next. With a range of dialogue options, discover multiple endings in the newly revealed world of danger and demons.

Watch a new trailer below.

Publisher Announce Trailer


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