SBCC remembers death of 19-year-old student Roberto Garcia Jr. – The Channels | Biden News


Roberto Garcia Jr., bubbly, adventurous and a true party spirit, has died Monday, September 12, leaving the community to mourn the loss of his infectious smile.

With 19 years around the sun, Garcia’s memory encompasses all the beauty of his life. Described by his family as a typical California teenager, Garcia spent his time seeking all the joys life had to offer. Surfing the waves at the shoreline, skiing and mountain biking with his brothers and friends, and playing sports throughout high school. Along with his many hobbies, as he grew older and furthered his education, Garcia began to develop a deeper passion for education. He enjoyed a difficult task and felt a sense of accomplishment when his hard work paid off.

García was born and raised in the Santa Ynez Valley, where he connected with many people. With a large family and many close friends, the charismatic teenager was well known for his sense of humor and outspoken personality.

Carolina Lemus, Garcia’s cousin, explained that his family will always remember the smile that lit up his face and his big, gentle hugs.

“He was such a positive, energetic person,” Lemus said. “He had such a great passion to do something in life.”

This willing soul left two younger brothers and a large family, who all mourn his death together.

From worrying about eating an entire pizza by himself to hilariously breaking down the air conditioner in the summer heat, Garcia was endlessly entertaining. Upon entering the room, his family and friends shouted, “Ay, Roberto!” looking cutely at his grand entrance and permanent status as fashionably late.

In addition to his humor, lightheartedness, Garcia was helpful, considerate and caring to everyone in his life. You could always rely on him.

“It affected the whole Santa Ynez Valley because everybody knew either siblings or family,” Lemus said. “He had a great group of friends that he was able to build from childhood … His friends really knew who he was.”

Loving the excitement of life, Garcia was always active, happy and finding a way to adventure.

“He didn’t pretend to be someone he wasn’t. He was always himself,” said Garcia’s cousin Abraham Lemus. “If he did anything, it was to be alive.”

One of Garcia’s many passions in life was his cars; show them or create a new project. He had a Ford Ranger, a Mustang and a BMW M3, which he spent his time repairing and modifying.

One of Garcia’s life goals was to one day become a car engineer for a racing team. He often attended races, car shows and bike races.

His adoration of fancy cars ended in a symbolic tragedy that ended his life on earth, leaving behind a community that will cherish his memory and uphold his spirit.

“When he gave you his smile and gave you a big hug,” said Carolina Lemus. “You knew Roberto was home.”


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