Tommy Morrison’s heavyweights are halfway through after a setback | Biden News


Tommy Morrison’s heavyweight boxing career has had a year to forget between the end of 2021 and 2022, respectively.

World Boxing News has tracked the progress of Trey Lippe Morrison, 33, and Kenzie Witt Morrison, 32, over the past eight years.

Both decided to give professional boxing a try after the tragic death of their father in September 2013.

At the time of his death, WBN was in regular contact with Tommy as he tried to clear his name about AIDS.

Since then, WBN has helped his widow Trish continue the fight and get the word out.

Trish recently appealed to the court over the testing of new samples from Tommy’s DNA to prove many crimes and his career ended early.

But that’s another story.

Tommy Morrison’s Boxing Sons

The path of Trey and Kenzie seemed to open at the same time as the two brothers began to chase each enemy after their 2014 debuts.

They have fought on the same card many times and have the ability to put a bus on the seats, just like their father.

Trey raced to 18-0 with 17 KOs. Kenzie was 20-0-2 with 18 KOs, most of which came in the first two rounds. They were machines of destruction – who cared about the right way – could go far with the Morrison name.

But between 2021 and 2022, their situation has changed. Trey was defeated by a stunning knockout by Mike Balogun in 161 seconds.

For his part, Kenzie lost a decision last week on the Thriller card “Lineage of Greatness II” at Memorial Hall in Kansas City.

Robert Simms won an eight-round decision. The rock was tough for the brothers and their ambition to follow their father to the top of the division.

Tommy Morrison – Duke

Tommy won the WBO title, becoming the first businessman to do so in a long time. He became known as “The Great White Shoe” in some parts of the country.

Calling himself “Duke,” Morrison has the tools to knock anyone out. However, his fearless attitude will often get him into trouble.

Maybe, unlike Trey and Kenzie, Tommy has an extra level that makes him special. His sons may need a rethink to compete with the biggest names in the sport.

Bridgerweight option

There may be a path forward to the title, but it may have to come at bridgerweight. Trey and Kenzie are hovering around the same 225 to 245 marks and can easily boil down to the 224 limit to run in the lower zone.

Due to the lack of depth at bridgerweight, a title run may not be out of the realm of possibility either.

Speaking to WBN in the past about their career goals, they had serious thoughts before the setback.

“There’s always a bit of pressure with him, my dad, because he’s a great boxer,” Lippe Morrison told WBN.

“You know I’m trying to live up to what it was. I know there’s always going to be some pressure with that. But I have to try and concentrate on boxing.

“I am different whether I am his son or not. But I will also be a different boxer.

“I’m sure there are things I do that are similar to what he did, but they are also different.

“So I have to focus on myself and make my own style, and hopefully, through that, I’ll live up to his legacy.”

No regrets

Kenzie told WBN: “Dad was always in our ear about getting involved in sports growing up. But Trey watches football, and I’m a basketball player.

“Since I was five or six years old, I always had a heavy bag. I remember watching daddy fight with himself and on TV. It’s kind of who I am, you know.

“I know that if I don’t give it everything I have and at least try, I will regret it for the rest of my life. This is what keeps me going every day,” he said.

Hopefully, both can bounce back, whether they move in gravity or not.

WBN editor Phil Jay has over a decade of boxing news experience. Follow WBN on Facebook @officialworldboxingnews, Instagram, and Twitter @world news.


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