Jarrell Miller has been granted a provisional boxing license by the Nevada State Athletic Commission Boxing news | Biden News


Jarrell Miller received a provisional boxing license from the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

Miller was previously suspended ahead of his scheduled July 9, 2020 fight against Jerry Forrest by the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

Miller has denied that he “voluntarily” took a performance-enhancing drug after reports of a botched test derailing his plans to compete in Las Vegas.

The New York State Athletic Commission also denied him a license to fight Anthony Joshua in 2019, following a failed drug test in March of this year.

Miller admitted he was “lost” in a video posted on Instagram, saying he would “be back fine”.

Miller’s chances of taking part in his Joshua fight are in jeopardy after the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA) notified both camps of a negative finding in a drug test sample, leading to his license being revoked for the day. at Madison Square Garden.

But now the 34-year-old has been cleared to continue his career with a fight in Las Vegas in the next few months.

“Jarrell Miller has been awarded a 2022 Professional Boxers license that expires at the end of the year,” the Nevada State Football Association’s statement to Sky Sports said.


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