Sajad Gharibi, or the Iranian Hulk as he is known, is kicking iron after being kicked out.
Hulk is back in action in bodybuilding after going completely off the grid after being humiliated in his first boxing match in the sport.
Gharibi started posting on social media five weeks ago but in the “highlights” section of Instagram.
It’s been almost three months since Hulk was humiliated in boxing. In August, he stepped back from the spotlight after being accused of rigging the game by using medical photos to gain popularity.
A few weeks ago, Gharibi responded to the public on his Instagram page after blocking new followers. It looks like he wants his fans to know that Hulk is back and he’s taking it easy on himself for something new.
The Iranian Hulk blows iron
Previously, Ghabi or his team would not allow any Instagram likes until a vetting process was carried out.
After being bullied and abused online after his first boxing match, Gharibi shut down social media to his one million followers.
This situation happened after Gharibi deleted all pictures showing him as a bodybuilder.
If some of his new fans want to see his Instagram photos, first Ghabi and his team receive them.
While he turned on the display option, the moderator took several pictures from Sajad Gharibi’s page. Now there are only fourteen left and only seven positions this year.
One from 2021, one from 2018, and the other from 2017. The last one is a poster of former boxing champion Mike Tyson.
However, the highlights are now showing the new content date mid-September. It seems that he wants to be known as Sajad Gharibi and continues.
His Iranian man Hulk disappeared into thin air after his rival Kazakh Titan fell and stopped Gharibi in round one of their clash in Dubai.
It’s a sad move from Gharibi after months of painting him as a super hero ready to destroy anyone in the ring.
The incident embarrassed him so much that Hulk did not make any public appearances for the media for weeks. He also did not share any message until three weeks ago.
Pictures of Doctored Catfish
These accusations were aimed – not only at Gharibi – but also at his group. The doctor is accused of using Photoshop.
They are reported to have made the Iranians more important, making them slimmer in life.
The first evidence of this came when Hulk was going to fight Martyn Ford in the British boxing match earlier this year. Ghabi appeared at a Middle East press conference and revealed only half of the person he portrayed.
Ford, who has been dubbed “the most feared man in the world” by the British tabloids, has been overwhelmed by many. Ford would eat him for breakfast in the boxing ring.
After a small fight broke out at the press conference of the main event, Ford decided to withdraw from the fight for fear of hurting the Iranian heroine.
The Englishman was 100% correct in doing so. Gharibi went on national television and broke down, saying that his family would disown him.
A few months later, Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich used Gharibi to end the war early. Gharibi was also embarrassed.
Gharibi obviously has little knowledge of boxing and needs more training to be ready for every fight.
A barrage of insults followed, and the Hulk took action. Delete all suspect photos that face photography questions is the first port of call.
There may be more damage control to follow as Gharibi considers his future on the battlefield, most likely under the old “Hulk of Iran” moniker.
At this point, not many advertisers will touch it with a rope. He can reverse the damage done only if he asks for forgiveness and is honest about it.
It wasn’t over yet as the Hulk came out of hiding. His next move is on everyone’s mind.
The opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of Phil Jay.
WBN Editor Phil has over a decade of boxing news experience. After that, follow WBN on Facebook @officialworldboxingnews and Twitter @world news.
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