A brief history of boxing: origins and interesting facts | Biden News

A brief history of boxing: origins and interesting facts

 | Biden News


Believe it or not, the history of boxing, along with that of gambling, is part of human history. Boxing is now a popular sport in the world, attracting the attention of millions of fans all over the world. In this respect, online casinos offering a 500 deposit bonus are as popular as this exciting game.

In fact, the first recorded history of boxing goes back to 3000 BC in Egypt. Boxing is also mentioned in Homer’s Iliad during the funeral of Patroclus, where a “light” was held during the ceremony, but where did boxing actually originate?

If you’ve ever wondered about the origins of the world’s most popular fighting games, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for a quick lesson on boxing history and some interesting facts that might just blow your mind.

Where is boxing from?

Boxing is one of the oldest sports known today: 2,000-year-old paintings on the walls of tombs in Egypt and rock paintings show that the Sumerians who lived in what is now Iraq have been boxing for at least 5,000 years. they passed. Boxing originated as a gruesome and violent spectacle.

In ancient Greece, two men would sit facing each other, with their hands wrapped in leather. Then they continue to beat each other until one of them falls unconscious or worse dies. Roman gladiators, on the other hand, fought with the sole purpose of killing their opponent by wearing leather straps covered with iron on their arms. However, boxing was soon abolished, around 393 AD, because it was considered too much.

Boxing did not appear again until the early 16th century in London. The English authorities showed interest in bringing back the knowledge and culture of the past, so boxing became a way to settle disputes between the rich and the rich. The wealthy supported their boxers and continued to fight. This is where the term ‘free fighters’ was coined.

Jack Broughton, boxing champion from 1734 to 1758, was the first to open a boxing school. He also helped draft the first set of boxing rules and invented the forerunners of the modern boxing glove. When boxing crossed the ocean to America in the early 19th century, it was not very popular – until Theodore Roosevelt became a supporter. Since then, boxing has continued to gain in popularity as usual top casino bonus UK in gambling dens became popular today, and guidelines and rules were put in place to protect fighters, making boxing the sport we know and love today.

Interesting facts about boxing

Now that you know how boxing came about, let’s find out some interesting facts about boxing!

Official boxing name

Believe it or not, the official name of boxing is actually not boxing, but pugilism. Pugilism means “the practice of fighting and grappling”.

There are two types of boxing

Did you know that there are two types of boxing, amateur and professional? Amateur boxing, which became an Olympic sport in 1908, consists of three to four rounds, which is different from the twelve rounds of professional boxing. Fighters wear protective clothing to reduce the risk of head injury and certain punches are prohibited, such as:

  • On the back of the head;
  • below the waist;
  • in the past.

Professional boxing, on the other hand, excludes all types of protective equipment. Punching is prohibited as in amateur boxing.

The most expensive war

The most expensive fight in boxing history took place on May 3, 2015 between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. Floyd won by a unanimous decision. His fee was an impressive $120 million, while Manny received $80 million for the fight.

Boxing is shorter

It took fighters Michael Collins and Pat Brownson four seconds to determine who was stronger. Collins won, making it the shortest boxing match of all time. In fact, it was so short that the fight can still be found in the Guinness Book of Records.

Create mouth guards

A dentist in London named Jack Marles invented the first mouth guard in 1902. Mouth guards were designed to be worn during training to protect the teeth of fighters. Welterweight Ted “The Kid” Lewis became the first boxer to use one of these mouth guards in the ring in 1913. The mouth guards were very popular and widely accepted in boxing.


Boxing has come a long way since the warring days of ancient times. Today, people of different ages love boxing and it is not only a great sport, but also a great way to get in shape. If you want to improve your health and get in the best shape of your life, consider a boxing class.


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