Music NWT will host its first music awards ceremony | Biden News

Music NWT will host its first music awards ceremony

 | Biden News


Music NWT will hold its first awards ceremony in September to strengthen the music scene in the Northwest Territories.

The event, a formal sit-down gala with a plated dinner and live music, will be held at the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife on September 10 at 6 p.m. There are ten prizes.

Three musicians – whose names have yet to be announced – will be inducted into the Music NWT Hall of Fame


“We’re going to have six performing artists, then we’re going to have an open stage for an open jam,” said Trevor Sinclair, executive director of Music NWT.

“We want to fill it with music. We will have a musician playing in the lobby and one in the reception room, then someone playing during dinner.

“It’s an opportunity for people who aren’t well-versed in the music industry to meet amazing musicians here and see a lot of different musicians play.”

Sinclair argues that change within the northern music industry must begin with “recognizing one’s own talent”.


“We’re the lowest paid music industry association in the country,” Sinclair told Cabin Radio, comparing Music NWT to Music Yukon, which receives $55,000 more than Music NWT annually.

“We hope that the Music Awards will help raise the profile of music and our musicians,” he said.

“We want people to realize and recognize that yes, indeed, you can have a full-time career as a musician and there are ways to do it.

“We can only do that if we support our musicians and build the musical infrastructure that’s needed to do that.”


Tickets for the NWT Music Awards – priced at $145, though discounts are available for Music NWT members – can be purchased at the Old Town Ramble and Ride this weekend on the stage near the Old Town Glassworks.

Nominations for the award will close at the end of July 31


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