3 Golds For 3 Women In Amateur Boxing In The Dark Ages Of Amateur Boxing | Biden News


Boxing has almost died out as a sport in terms of the Olympics etc recently unfortunately.

Unfortunately because Russia and Switzerland control sports in many countries – not in a good place.

Some good news has come out of Ireland recently with three gold wins in this article on Irish women’s boxing in an article here:


I congratulate those three women on their success.

Hopefully, the boxing fan can be saved from the problems he is facing in different countries.

During the Russian war in Ukraine the influence of Russia (and the influence of Switzerland) not only on the boxing fan – but the sport fan – is reprehensible.

Switzerland in the theme of many topics for all sports lovers which will be a matter of time.

With all that being said, professional boxing is still doing well and thriving no less.

Don’t worry.

In boxing thanks to the man above who trained the three women above to be successful as well. They seem to have tried to do a good job of replacing the best boxing coach of some time from Ireland, Billy Walsh.

It is amazing to see Bernard Dunne become the boxing coach of India recently but we wish him all the best in his endeavors and future endeavours.


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