Repo Man is an artistic new RPG coming to PC and consoles | Biden News

Repo Man is an artistic new RPG coming to PC and consoles

 | Biden News


I was disappointed to find that Repo Man, a new RPG from Achara Studios, has nothing to do with the super gory Jude Law movie but that disappointment faded away after watching the trailer, which is just gorgeous. Built in Unreal Engine 5, the game is a story-driven RPG in “an alternate world of Art Nouveau, neon lights and conspiracy.”


You will play as debt collector Arthur Newstead, whose life is turned upside down when he finds himself in massive debt. You will have to continue your repayments and investigate mysteries after being expelled from the world of “corporate aristocracy” and returned to your hometown of San Alma.

The game is a first person open world RPG with a focus on dialogues, exploration, negotiation and proper time management, whatever that is. There’s also combat, briefly seen in the trailer, hidden sections, and that most needed feature in any RPG, a card game.

“Most importantly, this is not another so-called walking simulator,” explains Alan Padziński, the CEO of Achara Studios. “Repo Man is closer to Tormento than Disco Elysium. During game development we strive to ensure that our title offers diverse and engaging gameplay rather than just the simple clicking of dialogue options.”

“In Repo Man, we will take players to an alternate reality – a world similar to our own, more developed in some respects while lagging behind in others,” continues Padziński. “It is a world inhabited not only by humans, but also by the Fairies — descendants of mythological creatures similar to elves, dryads and satyrs. The people of the planet also have to deal with TDD, an epidemic type of depression, the cause of which remains unknown. That world is nearer its end than its beginning,”

I think this may be a game to watch out for when it releases on PC in the first quarter of 2023, with PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S versions planned for later. You can list the PC version on Steam here.

Source: Press release



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