National Youth Music Award win for Surrey Arts Teacher | Biden News


Surrey Arts Inclusion music teacher Raghad Haddad has won the Inspirational Music Leader Award at the Youth Music Awards 2022. Raghad received her award on 19 October at Troxy London in recognition of her work for Surrey Arts as a diverse leader from refugee backgrounds, supporting vulnerable children in Surrey.

Raghad Haddad is a viola player from Yabrud, a small town in the mountains north of Damascus. Since being granted asylum in the UK in 2018 he has performed at numerous charity events in London and Brighton and has recently performed with Damon Albarn, The Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and the Syrian Musicians Orchestra.

Raghad has worked on a number of projects supporting vulnerable children, including SEND and refugee children, on behalf of Surrey Arts and is executive producer of a major international music project involving 120 participants from the UN and around the world.

On learning that he had won the award, Raghad said:I was speechless this week when they announced my name as the winner of the Inspirational Music Leader at the Youth Music Awards 2022!

It is a great honor to receive this award and I am grateful for the support my colleagues at Surrey Arts have given me since coming to the UK from Syria.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity, not only to rebuild my own life but also the privilege to help others affected by war, poverty, climate change and discrimination. Sadly, the need to support displaced communities is not diminishing and I look forward to supporting more of your transformative projects in the months and years ahead.

Kavan Hajirostami also won the Young Leader Award for their work with Big Leaf. Big Leaf supports Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) across Surrey and works closely with Surrey Arts on a range of music and arts projects. You can find more information about Big Leaf here:


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