Announcing the winners of the 2022 Colorado Sound Music Awards! | Biden News


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You voted, we tallied the results, and now we’re thrilled to announce our first-ever winners. Colorado Sound Music Awards!

Big Richard On the Rise won the category, which highlights a band that is making waves in the Colorado music scene and gaining attention and traction. The Gasoline lollipops Your vote earner wins the Colorado Spirit category, highlighting an artist or band that truly embodies the soul and spirit of Colorado. Abandoning rock trio the velvet Won the category for Outstanding Stage Appearance for Outstanding Live Shows. Daniel Rodriguez Won for Outstanding ‘Secret Ingredient’ based on his outstanding work as a solo artist and member of Elephant Revival. And he was open to a written category in the fifth any Active Colorado artist, and you have once again chosen to honor Gasoline lollipops As an artist or band you will drive 105.5 miles to see.

Thank you for supporting the Colorado music community!

Meet the 2022 winners

Below is a list of winners in each category, along with links to an exclusive interview and write-up of each artist.

On the Rise – Big Richard

Big Richard is a Colorado Sound Music Award winner

The members of Big Richard are all well-known talents from Colorado, and they band together like superheroes to fight evil, or at least the status quo. The act’s sets mix almost punk-rock versions of traditional songs like “Gracie Coat” with originals and curveball covers of Billie Eilish and more.

“When you combine multiple powerful forces you’re always going to make more of an impact,” said band member Bonnie Sims. “When you go with three other guys who lead the band and can be the center of a group, the sum is always going to be greater…” Read more

Colorado Spirit – Gasoline Lollipops

Petrol Lollipops Band 2022

“We want to attract the best people – people who are community-based rather than the capitalist model of ‘every man for himself,’” says bandleader Clay Rose. They all help each other through hard times and obstacles in a way that I never really thought people came together. I saw it exemplified by the people around us…” Read more

Outstanding Stage Presence – Velvet

The Velveteens Lisa Siciliano is dog confused
Photo courtesy of Lisa Siciliano/Doug Days Photo

“Once we all get on stage, it’s like we’re possessed,” says singer/guitarist Demi Demytro. “There’s just a crazy energy that starts moving through all of us. The energy of the audience is just as important as ours, so we love to see our crowd go crazy and perform…” Read more

Outstanding Secret Ingredient – Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

“A lot of bands from out of state like to come to Colorado because of how the people here embrace the music,” Daniel Rodriguez said. “People do a really great job of realizing what’s right in their backyard, which I’m really grateful for, with the natural side of it. You just go outside and everything feeds the artistry of what you’re doing…” Read more

Band you’ll drive 105.5 miles to see – Gasoline Lollipops

Gasoline lollipop band

“Most of the regulars who come and dance every night put in 100%,” says bandleader Clay Rose. “I show up with all the sadness and anxiety and anger that’s pent up and I pump it into that microphone just to be sane and alive…” Read more

Congratulations to all our winners – and to all our 2022 nominees. And a huge shout out to everyone who voted in this year’s Colorado Sound Music Awards! This incredible music community would not be the same without each and every one of you.

All of the 2022 Colorado Sound Music Award winners

On the rise – Big Richard

Colorado Spirit – Gasoline Lollipops

Outstanding Stage Presence – Velvet

Outstanding ‘Secret Ingredient’ – Daniel Rodriguez

Band you’ll drive 105.5 miles to see – Gasoline Lollipops

The Colorado Sound Music Awards is brought to you by Wing Shack


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