Call for entries for 14th Music Awards Nagaland 2022 | Morang Express | Biden News


Dimapur, September 20 (MExN): The Native Tracks Society (NTS) has announced the 14th edition of Nagaland (MAN) Music Awards 2022. In this connection, NTS invites artistes, recording studios, producers or their representatives to submit original compositions recorded within Nagaland and later published. From September 1, 2021 till now

“The annual Music Awards of Nagaland (MAN) is held to showcase, honor and showcase our appreciation and support to our musicians and those working within the local music industry,” the organizers said in a press release.

The entry form and rules can be downloaded from the Nagaland Music Awards Facebook page at musicanagaland.

All entries must be submitted by email [email protected] Or WhatsApp on 8118915560.

Artists/bands wishing to enter multiple songs or categories must submit separate entry forms for each entry. However, there will be a maximum limit of three entries per artist/band.

Each entry must include: a signed and completed entry form; an audio song/music video (or audio/video link); Lyrics in MSWord or text document format. Entries in Hindi/local dialect should include an English translation; and artist/band profile (MSWord or text document format) with a photograph.

The deadline for submission of entries is October 15, 2022. For any query contact: 9856201694/ 8837005953.


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