The new Live Music Awards show will launch this year | Biden News


Award Business News Live Business

By Andy Malt | Published on Tuesday 23 August 2022

UK live music trade body Live Music Industry Venues and Entertainment – or Live for its friends – has announced a new awards programme. Because you can never have too many awards shows, can you? The inaugural Live Awards will take place in December, with submissions now being accepted for consideration.

“After a year like no other, the world-class UK live music scene is coming together to celebrate the great work on offer in 2022, with what’s to come in 2023,” said John Collins, CEO of Live. “The awards give us a great opportunity to recognize world-leading talent and bring together all corners of the industry, while doing what we do best – throwing a great party”.

The event will honor live music organizations of all sizes, including venues, festivals, promoters, booking agencies and ticket companies. There will also be awards for green certification, brand partnerships, workforce and manufacturing suppliers.

Submissions are open now until September 30, with the event itself taking place on December 13 at The Brewery in London. More information here.

Read more about: Live Music Industry Venues and Entertainment (Live) | Live Awards


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