Microsoft Building an Affordable Windows 11 PC That Relies on Ads and Subscriptions | Biden News

Microsoft Building an Affordable Windows 11 PC That Relies on Ads and Subscriptions

 | Biden News

[ad_1] Microsoft’s Surface product range these days is a whole load of beautifully designed, powerful, but boring devices. Where is the exciting Microsoft hardware? The recently launched Windows Dev Kit 2023 (Volterra) barely qualifies, but the company’s goal of delivering low-cost Windows 11 PCs might. According to recent reports, Microsoft is working on a model … Read more

Microsoft is considering low-cost PCs supported by ads, subscriptions • The Register | Biden News

Microsoft is considering low-cost PCs supported by ads, subscriptions • The Register

 | Biden News

[ad_1] In a world where global PC sales are declining and more work is moving to the cloud, what can the creator of the world’s ubiquitous operating system do to keep money coming in? For Microsoft, part of the answer could lie in low-cost, cloud-connected systems paid for through subscriptions and advertising. We know, we … Read more

Will your next PC run Windows 365 and run on ads? | Biden News

Will your next PC run Windows 365 and run on ads?

 | Biden News

[ad_1] On September 27, Microsoft posted a new job opportunity for a Senior Software Engineering Manager on its career board. Although applications are no longer being accepted, there was a notable segment in the job details. Microsoft emphasized that it is looking to come up with a new approach where users can now get computers … Read more

Elon Musk explains why he bought Twitter, says ads are great | Biden News

Elon Musk explains why he bought Twitter, says ads are great

 | Biden News

[ad_1] After an extended courtship, earlier this month it became official: Elon Musk will buy Twitter after all. And he means it this time. Just like giving the richest man in the world an excuse cart a sink into a Twitter feed, this inevitably led to questions about what his administration could mean for one … Read more