Eberly’s integrated BS/MBA program combines science and business | Biden News

Eberly’s integrated BS/MBA program combines science and business

 | Biden News


The first BS/MBA program students graduated with an MBA in 1999. Since then, more than 60 students have completed their degrees, and 27 others are currently on the programme. Alumni have had successful careers in companies in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, consulting and banking industries.

Skills and network

From day one, the BS/MBA program focuses on helping undergraduate students develop business and professional skills. In the first year seminars, students learn important concepts about leadership, organizational culture, and group dynamics through a variety of means including long-term case analysis.

“We contain a lot of business skills so that, as students develop science skills, they know the ways in which they can apply them in a professional setting,” said John Moses, former academic advisor for the BS/MBA program, who has led first-year seminar courses for several years. two years ago.

Students continue to analyze cases, participate in business simulations, and refine professional writing skills in a one-credit seminar course, which they can select multiple times.

“This seminar course continues to equip students with a business perspective as they grow through this program,” said Martarano. “And this provides another opportunity for students to build connections between groups, as students can work together and spend time with each other.”

Outside of courses, the program has many events to help students build leadership and other skills, connect with alumni, and truly understand their career options. Martarano has worked extensively over the years to develop this programme, which now includes seminars, networking events, professional development opportunities, and a virtual enrichment series.

“By having these different points of exposure through different programs, it allows students to develop a much more informed pathway,” says Soonthornchai, who often puts forward his perspective as an alumni at program events. “The wealth of knowledge and experience from a growing alumni network is invaluable to students as they navigate their own journey.”


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