Victoria 3 review | PC Gamer | Biden News

Victoria 3 review |  PC Gamer

 | Biden News


Need to know

what is that Grand-Scale Grand Strategy

Expect to pay: £42/$50

Release date: October 25, 2022

Developer: Paradox Development Studio

Publisher: Paradox Interactive

Revised on Radeon RX 6800 XT, Ryzen 9 5900, 32GB RAM

Multiplayer? Yes

Link: Official website (opens in a new tab)

It is 1836 and the machines of the industrial revolution are in high gear. The next century will change the face of the human world with a population explosion, a second industrial revolution, and more. In Victoria 3 (opens in a new tab) you take control of a society trying to ride this wave of explosive change to its end in 1936. What you do along the way, and how much fun you have with it, is up to you.

Victoria 3 tasks you with building a nation by shaping its laws, economy, people and institutions. The developers at Paradox call it a “society builder”. It wants you to care about the details of political movements, distribution of power, popular trends, economic organization, factory production or global trade, and then begin to manipulate them.


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