Three PC Gaming Peripherals You Shouldn’t Skip | Biden News


Ah, gaming peripherals. An essential part of any real*** player’s battle station.

(***There is no real player)

There are so many parts that go into an arrangement, and no arrangement is the same as another. What you decide to play is ultimately your decision, and there are too many factors that go into that decision. Comfort, cost, color, usability, capacity. Anything you want, really. That said, there are definitely ways to get the most mileage out of what you buy.

Remember that you will be using these peripherals for, hopefully, a very long time. A big takeaway from this list is that you don’t necessarily have to spend more to get more. Sometimes, especially with non-computer parts, you’ll definitely get more out of an established brand, but as you’ll see, you can be more judicious with your shopping and make your dollar go a lot further.

1. Keyboard

You will probably use your keyboard more than anything during your gaming. You can put thousands into your graphics card or CPU or monitors, but it will never feel as good when you’re using a keyboard that doesn’t fit.

But what if I told you that you can do much better than the popular market keyboards, paying about the same price?

Allow me to introduce you to If you ever wanted to make your own keyboard, however you want, with whatever design, color, switches, keyboards or even frame you want, this is the place. There are far too many combinations of both pre-made and custom keyboards at your disposal here, and you’ll be glad you browsed.

I got my own custom Ducky One 2 keyboard here for about the same price as the mainstream Corsair keyboards. You can even get a key head and mechanical switch sampler for very cheap, sometimes for free with a bundle. The site has a tutorial on the differences between mechanical switch colors, keyboards, and keyboard sizes. This place really has it all!

2. A chair

This one might surprise you, but those “gamers” or “racing” chairs?

They suck.

I used one of those for over 10 years, and I didn’t realize how bad they are for you. There are tons of articles and videos out there that explain this gaming phenomenon, and why they aren’t exactly the most ergonomic choice. In short: chairs that force you into a position for long periods of time, and don’t allow much freedom in your positioning, especially if you move around a lot, will do more harm than good.

I’m not usually one to tell people “Just spend more money!” In fact, I am very much against the notion. This is one exception that is so worth it that it can literally save your back.

That’s the Herman Miller line of chairs.

These chairs are so good that I reduced the cost my entire game setup get one They are so good, all the back problems caused by my sitting in a “gaming” chair disappeared within the week. It almost feels too good to be true, until today, and I’ve owned mine for almost two years now. The best part about them is that you don’t have to buy them new. Used ones are pretty much readily available all over the country, and the materials used for them are of such high quality that I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a structural problem with them among anyone who has bought used ones.

This is the one thing I would recommend picking up the rest of your setup to get. It will really change everything you know about chairs, and you will never want to go back to a worse one.

3. Headphones

What good is an arrangement if it doesn’t sound good? This one is definitely biased by me, given my sound engineering background, but having good sound is definitely a great experience and immersive enhancement. You don’t have to spend a lot to do it either. Sound in general has come a long way in the gaming space, and you’d be doing yourself a great service by getting yourself some relatively inexpensive cans for your everyday.

My personal entry level recommendation is the Audio-Technica ATH M50x when they are on sale, or the Sennheiser HD598. Both are sold quite often, and without getting too technical, cover everything you would do while on your computer, including music, games and everything else in between.

Building a computer is easier than ever, but not everyone can just throw money around like it’s nothing. Being more efficient with your spending and maximizing what you want and what you get from your purchases is essential, and knowing how to do it is crucial.

Anthony Lowry (they/he) is a seasoned TCG, MMORPG, and FPS veteran. They are vastly knowledgeable about the intricacies of many competitive outlets, and are always looking for a new challenge in the gaming realm.

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