This Nvidia RTX gaming PC lives in a drawer, for reasons | Biden News


A gaming computer a builder stuffed an entire rig into an open drawer, and it’s quite something. The unconventional platform is even armed with an Nvidia RTX 2070 graphics card, but it may not be a practical alternative to a standard PC case.

Reddit user Pescel took some spare parts and an empty living room drawer, and put the two together to make this unique gaming PC. It has the aforementioned Nvidia GPU and an Intel Core i7-4770 CPU. However, without proper airflow, there’s a chance it could overheat, meaning it’s probably not the best gaming PC in terms of performance.

Pescel says they haven’t checked the temperatures yet, but they don’t plan to use it as a heavy gaming PC. The build itself looks like a nice way to save space, with enough room to accommodate the motherboard, power supply and even a Samsung 850 EVO SSD. However, the build makes little effort to manage cables, resulting in something that looks a bit like a bunch of loose wires.

Picture of a gaming computer installed in a desk drawer

Of course, the packed build has unfortunate temperature drawbacks (was that a pun?) and would probably benefit from the best AIO cooler. That said, it’s a nice way to free up some gaming desk space, or save yourself from shelling out for an expensive case.

In terms of minimization, there are a number of ways to condense a platform to smaller proportions. Take the lunchtime gaming PC that’s only taller than a can of Coke, or our collection of the best mini PCs you can buy or make yourself. We’ve seen some amazing gaming machines over the years, but more often than not they at least have a proper fan.


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