The new AMD 6800U-powered OneXPlayer handheld is press-order | Biden News

The new AMD 6800U-powered OneXPlayer handheld is press-order

 | Biden News


One of the biggest booms for gaming 2022 was on the laptop front. Sure, gaming laptops are getting more powerful every year, but they’re also expensive machines that take up space. If all you want to do on a portable monster is gaming, you can save money and hassle with a machine that’s purpose-built for gaming like the new and increasingly popular Switch-like laptops.

While rumors are swirling around the Steam Deck 2, there isn’t much concrete. We don’t even know when to expect the new handheld/console hybrid, and Valve is still going through the backlog of current orders. It’s still a little shaky whether you’d get your hands on one or not, but other companies are more than happy to fill the gap.


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