The Enigma Machine review for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, Xbox | Biden News


Platform: switch on
Also on: PC, Xbox One, PS4, PS5
Publisher: Dolores Entertainment
Developer: Dolores Entertainment/Jamie Gavin
Average: Digital
Players: 1
Online: No

I have to hand it over to The Enigma Machine. In a year where I played several games that felt like weird lost games from the PS1 era, it’s probably weirder than all of them put together.

It also starts off so relatively normally. You read some text from an AI computer trying to clean itself up, you enter a blocky, polygonal world, you find a code, then you go back and enter the code into a terminal. Quite simple.

And then everything flies wildly off the rails… maybe in a good way? But maybe not. It’s kind of hard to say.

Besides, I can’t even – and don’t want to – fully explain why or how it flies off the rails: because it’s so short and so weird, it seems like it would be a spoiler to reveal much of anything about it. . All I know is one moment you’re reading a text and the next you’re walking through a world that’s literally falling apart and falling apart around you and it’s so bad you feel like you need to restart your Switch just to be sure . it didn’t actually break. Whatever game you think you might be getting into based on its screenshots, I can assure you: it’s not that.

But The Puzzle Machine is worth playing. You’ll have to be in the mood for something very short, and very strange, but in the end, you’ll be left with a game that leaves you thinking about it for a while afterwards.

Dolores Entertainment provided us with an Enigma Machine Switch code for review purposes.

Degree: B


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