More data points to Elden Ring DLC ​​in our future | Biden News


Sekiro Dubi, a FromSoft data scientist who previously researched Elden Ring’s slash quests and colosseums, has recently shared data (opens in a new tab) of the files of the game that implies planned DLC. This information seems to have been buried in Elden Ring longer than the data points of potential DLC areas discovered by Lance McDonald and Zullie the Witch that we previously reported on. (opens in a new tab).

Sekiro Dubi’s theory revolves around numbers assigned to the loot that bosses drop when they are killed. In the screenshot shared with their original post, you can observe a sequence of main boss names, not all linked to memories, with ID numbers from 9100-9135, while after 9180, you have items related to minor bosses like Loretta. Greatbow or the Sword of the Marais Executioner.


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