Just as it predicted last year, half of Capcom’s sales are now on PC | Biden News


Historically, Capcom has not been what you would call a particularly PC-focused game publisher. The list of best selling games on Capcom’s “Platinum Titles”. (opens in a new tab)” page, for example, includes many non-PC releases. But the company said in October 2021 that it wants to make PC its main platform. (opens in a new tab) in the future, a strategy that included having 50% of its sales on PC by 2022 or 2023—and good job, everyone, because according to Capcom’s most recent financial results (opens in a new tab)it’s mission accomplished.

The PC percentage increase was revealed in a Q&A summary following Capcom’s two-quarter results: Asked about the ratio of PC sales to total unit sales at the end of the quarter, the company replied, “About 50%, with mainly catalog title sales increasing..” Catalog titles are pre-release games that continue to sell – the stuff that excites Phil Spencer. (opens in a new tab) about the purchase of Activision, basically.


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