How to fix Victoria 3 crash on launch problem on PC | Biden News

How to fix Victoria 3 crash on launch problem on PC

 | Biden News


Victoria 3 is a grand strategy game from Paradox Interactive. The title is out now on PC via Steam, and thousands of players are already in the game. It was one of the most anticipated strategy releases in years, and it’s been over a decade since the last entry in the series came out. Despite excellent performance, some players have reported technical issues preventing gameplay. If you want to fix Victoria 3 crashing on launch, here are some things we recommend.

Fix Victoria 3 crash on launch problem

Like many other PC releases, the launch can be a problem for some players. This either comes down to something missing on the end user or broken files. This is a common occurrence, and we have some suggestions for dealing with this problem.

Launch the game directly using the executable

For some players, the shortcut created by Steam does not launch the game properly, and it is probably related to the Paradox launcher. Instead, you can launch it directly using the executable.

  • open up steam and then your library
  • Here, right click Victoria 3
  • click Manage
  • Then choose Browse local files
Manage > Browse local files in Steam library” class=”wp-image-47040″ srcset=” 300w, -local-files-2-5-150×112.png 150w,×60.png 80w, https:/ /×120.png 160w,×120.png 160w local-files-2-5-265×198.png 265w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” src=””/><noscript><img decoding=
Properties option in Steam library
  • Select the LOCAL FILES tab
  • click on Check Integrity of local files…
Check Integrity of local files in Steam

Add an exception to your antivirus

Sometimes, games may be flagged as a threat by your antivirus software. To ensure that this does not happen, please add the Victoria 3 folder to the list of exceptions or exclusions. Some users reported that this fixed it for them.

We have listed some popular ones and their respective FAQ pages.

Run the game as administrator

You can go the extra step and give the header administrative privileges to ensure there is no interference on that end.

  • open up steam and then your library
  • Here, right click Victoria 3
  • click Manage
  • Then choose Browse local files
  • Right click on the victoria3.exe and select Properties
  • Click on the compatibility tab
  • check “Run this program as administrator
Compatibility > Check Run this program as an administrator” class=”wp-image-47043″ srcset=” 403w, /10/Run-this-program-as-an-admin-5-242×300.png 242w, admin-5-150×186.png 150w,×372.png 300w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 403px) 100vw, 403px” src=””/><noscript><img loading=Source link