GMKtec unveiled the NucBox 8, another mini PC from the company powered by an inferior processor. At 119 x 119 x 24.5 mm, the NucBox 8 uses the Celeron N4100, a quad-core processor from Intel’s Gemini Lake platform. According to GMKtec, it complemented the 6 W and 14 nm processor with 6 GB of RAM and 128 GB of eMMC storage. Unfortunately, it appears that the NucBox 8 does not support expandable storage via an M.2 slot or a 2.5-inch drive bay.
Additionally, the company pre-installs a Windows 11 Home license. For reference, the Celeron N4100 still supports Microsoft’s latest OS, despite being a five-year-old processor. In particular, the NucBox supports WiFi 5 connectivity, as well as Gigabit Ethernet and Wake on LAN. In addition, GMKtec includes three USB 3.2 Type-A ports, an HDMI 1.4 connection, VGA and a microSD card reader.
Not surprisingly, the NucBox 8 is a fanless system, with GMKtec opting for a large heatsink instead of a small fan to cool its low-wattage processor. Currently, the company is selling the NucBox 8 for $139.59 with free worldwide shipping. Alternatively, you can order the mini PC with VAT included for $149.59. As it stands, the NucBox 8 ships with a choice of four plug types for global compatibility.
Before writing and translating for Notebookcheck, I worked for various companies including Apple and Neowin. I have a BA in International History and Politics from the University of Leeds, which I later converted to a Law Degree. Happy chatting on Twitter or Notebookchat.
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