Fortnite Adds Tutorial Mode To PC And Consoles 5 Years Later | Biden News


Gwen and two other Fortnite characters step into funky water.

Picture: Epic

It’s been five whole years since Epic Games released the first version of Fortnite– Maybe it seems longer. About time, then, that it added a tutorial map in the PC and console versions of the game. So rejoice, newbies: You finally, in theory at least, have a chance to learn to play. Fortnite before being slaughtered by the kids who have been playing it since the beginning. The developers quietly added the PC tutorial on October 31st, and then released it for other consoles the next day.

The tutorial mode looks pretty basic, giving new players knowledge of essential actions like “move”, “jump”, “crouch” and “break items”. It also gives you some breathing room to shoot at targets without getting hurt by human enemies. Most importantly, it teaches you how to build things—feature in Fortnite that I always found mysterious. I’m in it. This tutorial mode actually does Fortnite seem approachable, rather than just being a chaos of chaos where you could be headshot by Sasuke Uchiha at any moment. You can access the tutorial mode by going to the “From Epic” section of the “Discovery” screen.

A long time Fortnite fans note that this tutorial was previously available in the mobile version of the game, so it’s entirely possible that the developers simply didn’t think so. FortniteThe more “hardcore” console and PC gamers needed a tutorial. Try telling that to players who was thrown to the Fortnite wolves in the pre-school age, however.

To be clear: I’m not making fun of people who need tutorials in their video games. I just think it’s very funny that the developers decided that the console and PC versions of Fortnite needed a tutorial five years after launch. While the game remained without a tutorial, players created their own Creative Mode tutorial maps and YouTube videos for Fortnite newcomers. But hopefully, this update reduces the number of newbies who die without ever firing a single shot.


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