Does an Xbox/PC Game Pass Down? How to check for issues, outages and server status | Biden News


While some didn’t believe it at first, Xbox and PC Game Pass has become one of the best deals in gaming.

For just $10 a month, Microsoft has introduced a subscription service that allows players to access some of the hottest games of the last two decades. Like most online services, however, it can be prone to outages or server errors that prevent you from playing for a period of time.

Fortunately, there are easy ways you can check to see if Xbox or PC Game Pass is experiencing any issues. Here is all the information you need to know if Game Pass is down or not and how to check.

How to check if Xbox or PC Game Pass is down

A screenshot of the Xbox Status page showing Persona 5 is having launch issues
Screen capture via Microsoft

The easiest way to check if Xbox or PC Game Pass is down is to go to the Xbox Status page. Here, Microsoft has a long drop-down menu that shows different sections of its gaming services. If you have problems with a specific service, such as playing games, you can click on the respective drop-down menu to check if there are currently any problems affecting the service.

For example, as of writing on November 2nd, there is currently a problem with the Xbox connections in Personal 5, which recently came to the Game Pass service, and FIFA 23. As seen in the screenshot above, Xbox keeps timestamps from when the issues were noticed and when they started working on a fix. Once it is resolved, an update will also be posted.

Most service issues are resolved within a day, but players can check this Status page to get the most up-to-date information on the issues.


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