Bethesda finally confirms it: Deathloop is a Dishonored game | Biden News


Almost immediately after the release of Deathloop (opens in a new tab) in 2021, fans began to theorize that it might be somehow connected to Dishonored (opens in a new tab), Arkane’s previous game series. The two games are very different in many ways, but there are also quite a few common elements, some overt and some quite subtle. Today, Deathloop creative director Dinga Bakaba made it official during an Xbox podcast: Deathloop is “one of the futures of the Dishonored world.”

Some of the similarities between Deathloop and Dishonored are impossible to miss, such as Updaam’s supernatural abilities and architectural style. But there are also less obvious pieces of connective tissue: This Reddit (opens in a new tab) post from September 2021 is a good example of some early analysis of the two games that brings them together in a fairly consistent and compelling timeline.


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