50% of Capcom’s game sales now come from PC | Biden News


Capcom has confirmed that half of its video game sales for the Q2 period were made on PC.


Today Capcom released an English translation of its Q2 Fiscal Year 2022 Question and answer session with investors, which revealed some interesting information about the company’s presence in PC. According to Capcom management, game sales on PC accounted for 50% of its unit sales for the Q2 period (July – September 2022).

Q: What is the ratio of PC sales to total unit sales in your Consumer subsegment at the end of Q2 in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023?

A: About 50%, with mainly catalog title sales increasing.

Capcom sold a total of 9.6 million games during the Q2 period, with most of those sales being made overseas and from catalog title sales. These proportional shares reveal that Capcom sold approximately 4.8 million games on PC during the period.

This certainly accounts for the significant jump in the percentage of digital games for the quarter. According to Capcom’s filings, digital accounted for a whopping 95% of its unit sales for the period, or 9.12 million units. PC games are all digital, so we know that PC accounted for 52% of total digital game sales for Capcom’s Q2.

50% of Capcom's game sales now come from PC 22022

The PC game platform has become increasingly important for Japanese game publishers. SEGA, Square Enix, Konami and Capcom have all realized the value and potential of the platform by re-releasing a host of classic packs as well as new live games. Capcom has successfully capitalized on the market with a slew of releases as well as the mighty Monster Hunter World live game.


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