Panel: How prevalent are doping in elite sports today? | Biden News

Panel: How prevalent are doping in elite sports today?

 | Biden News


This week’s panelists were asked to address the growing use of performance-enhancing drugs in boxing

Ryan Walsh (Former British Featherweight Champion)

I think 98% of top players do them, with a small percentage who don’t. The book “Shadow Game” sheds light on this issue. Cheating or losing seems to be the idea. I also watched a documentary on the Seoul Olympics in 1988 which was very enlightening. I lost the European title to dirt, a drug user, so, in my opinion, it should be suspended for 10 years.

Denzel Bentley (UK Championship)

PEDs are more common than we think. Many top fighters have been caught using them and then swept under the carpet after a while because they brought in all the money. There has never been a big fight for PEDs and he was either banned for life or more than two years.

Maxi Hughes (Former British Champion)

Maybe I’m naive, but I still don’t believe PEDs are common in sports. That being said, I’m not surprised when a failed experiment appears, especially when there’s so much money at stake.

Bradley Skeete (Former British Welterweight Champion)

It seems to be common now that performance enhancing drugs are used in the first level of sports. Unfortunately, more and more elite fighters are testing the effectiveness of illegal substances.

Jarrell Miller celebrates stopping Tomasz Adamek in 2018 (Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images)


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