Hit or miss, Jake Paul chose another dud | Biden News


Jake Paul has chosen a dud to share the ring with after revealing that his 47-year-old opponent got planted more than once in sparring.

The YouTuber is going against the UFC hero Anderson Silva this weekend in what now seems to be a strategic boxing move number six.

Paul intends to extend his professional career with Showtime as the former Disney star continues to convince fans that he is a proper boxer.

Was Anderson Silva beaten in sparring?

Silva had to issue a statement this week to clarify the comments made to MMA Weekly. The Arizona State Police opened an investigation after Silva claimed that he had been searched twice.

Guilty of breaking his English, the Brazilian presented a slip of the tongue.

“After seeing the reports and concerns about me, I would like to clarify two important things,” said Silva.

“One, I have never been beaten in sparring. I made a mistake in that interview, as I sometimes do when interviewing in English. I have gone overboard with the recent sparring.

“Secondly, this session I commented on was in early September. MMA Weekly was interviewed on September 13th.

“For some reasons, he was released this week. So, it is not recent.

“Most importantly, my training camp went well. I am fit and ready to fight. The only thing people should care about is who I’m going to take on Jake Paul on Saturday night. “

Silva KO’d?

He said: “I train a lot [the] success I train good boxers, great people, and five men come to help me.

“Finally sparring with, yes [spar partner] he hit me twice. When I finished training, I talked to my coach and even said, ‘Coach, let me tell you something, ‘Why [did] the young man hit me twice?’ And the coach said, ‘You need to prepare for battle, and prepare for battle.’

Coach Luiz Carlos Dorea said he had to deny the incident to MMA Fighting.

“All I can say is that it did not happen. Thank God we went through all the training steps. Anderson did a good job. It’s 100 percent of the fight.”

In short, Silva changed his story to “hit” instead of out. Whether KO’d or put on the canvas, it’s not a good look for the fight.

Paul picked a cherry for his collection. Although Silva won the match against Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

This victory, which was achieved sixteen months ago, followed the defeat of Tito Ortiz in the first round. The latter should never be classified as boxing, though.

Jake Paul vs another dude

So, again, Jake Paul is on his way to 6-0 with another knockout, without having to fight any boxers.

It is no wonder that the end of the competition is planned in the middle of the first half of the competition.

“I have more than what it takes. My heart and mind are my main characteristics.

“People will realize that on Saturday night. I came here to show the fans.

“I’ve been in big fights, but I think you could call this a big fight. It’s going to be all work.

“I want to take him out in the first five rounds. That’s the goal,” Paul said.

He added that now he feels that he has achieved success as a boxer even though he has never done business with anyone who could cause him any physical KO harm.

“That’s how you know you’ve made it. That’s the power of dreams. I’m going to fight my idol. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

The opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of Phil Jay.

WBN editor Phil Jay has over a decade of boxing news experience. Follow WBN on Facebook @officialworldboxingnews, Instagram, and Twitter @world news.


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