Floyd Mayweather: “Cash on Legacy” | Biden News


Beauty means nothing to Floyd Mayweather more than money; definitely not his boxing legacy. Mayweather, better known as “Money,” said this to a reporter after the fight following his last “money drop” show, this one on a You Tuber in Dubai. Mayweather was paid $30 million for his exhibition bout with Deji, and the 45-year-old has made it clear that he has no intention of getting off the exhibition plane if it’s so lucrative.

Mayweather, who refers to himself as “TBE,” now has a new catchphrase: “money on the bed.” Mayweather said the money he earned and continues to have more meaning to him than what he left behind as a boxer.

“A lot of times people say, ‘Oh, Floyd has to do the shows,'” Mayweather said after showing off his big bucks. “My philosophy never stops getting it [money]. Money on the bed. Money on the bed. Believe me, if I never do another show in my life, I can make a good living. “

Mayweather has denied suggestions by others (including Jake Paul, who stated that Mayweather is “ruining the sport to pay unpaid taxes”) that he is cutting back on money. Mayweather would have been incredibly stupid with his money if he was about to fall, what with the many, many millions that Floyd earned. Mayweather is basically saying that as long as there is a lot of money to be made from the shows, why not keep collecting?

But it is unfortunate to say that such a great fighter is earning money as his main priority, on what he has left. Can you imagine a man like Thomas Hearns saying something like that? Who is Julio Cesar Chavez? Or almost any other great fighter? At least Mayweather is right. How many shows will Mayweather have before he leaves? There may be more to come. As long as fans are willing to pay good money to watch the “action” that happened on Sunday in Dubai.


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