Conor Benn With Two VADA Drug Tests, Pleads Not Guilty | Biden News


By Barry Holbrook: In another bombshell, Conor Benn has reportedly tested positive twice in VADA tests on July 25 and September 1 for the illegal drug clomiphene.

With positive drug tests coming two months later, it puts Benn in a difficult position trying to prove it was the contamination, especially since it’s the same drug.

Despite positive tests, the 26-year-old rare welterweight contender Benn (21-0, 14 KOs) insists that he is strong, and he believes he can be found. If Benn cannot prove his innocence, it is not known what kind of suspension or ban he will face.

One positive test for a banned drug is bad enough, but two may make it difficult for Benn to return to the ring anytime soon unless both tests are combined as one.

Benn wasn’t sure if someone had put something in his food or drink, which led to positive tests. Either way, he says there aren’t enough illegal drugs in his system to benefit him.

In an interview with The Sun, Benn’s first positive VADA test came July 25th, and his team believes it was “a mistake.” However, two months later, Benn tested positive for the second time on September 1stwhich caused more stress.

Last week, Benn gave up his boxing license, which made many boxing fans look at this move with suspicion. They wonder why Benn would give up his boxing license if he is innocent.

I could fight in a county in February, but I don’t want to because it looks like I’m running,” said Conor Benn to TheSun.

If Benn were to fight in another country without a boxing license from the UK, it would be fine for him, and it’s unclear whether that would affect his situation when he tries to get his license back to fight. in his country.

Benn can earn a lot of money in the stadiums in England, and it is doubtful whether he can bring a large crowd to the competition outside the UK.

Also, can Benn’s fight be shown on DAZN? If so, you have to imagine the backlash they would receive from boxing fans for continuing to show Benn fighting after two positive drug tests.

It amazes me how people think I cheated after seeing me on TV so long…Am I a liar?

“I don’t know if this is a fight I can win, so I’m just thinking about playing.

“The amount has been received. The smallest signs. The only thing I can think of is pollution,

The symptoms are so low there is no benefit. Science will prove it,” said Benn.


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