15 winners received Aga Khan Music Awards in Muscat | Biden News


mascot – The 2022 Aga Khan Music Awards concluded on Sunday evening with the presentation of awards to 15 winners by HH Sayyid Bilarab bin Haitham Al Said and Prince Amin Aga Khan during a gala concert at the House of Musical Arts, Royal Opera House Muscat.

The award presentation marked the end of a spirited two-day celebration where the winners performed live or presented in short films. Acclaimed tabla player Ustad Zakir Hussain was presented with a special Lifetime Achievement Award at the opening night concert of the Music Awards on Saturday.

Sunday evening’s program features performances by Penny Candra Rini, an Indonesian composer, improviser, vocalist and educator; Yasamin Shahhosseini, an Iranian oud player who is reimagining the oud’s place in Iranian music; the Tehran-based Golshan Ensemble, which performs Iranian classical music; and Soumik Dutta, a sarod player from the UK who fuses his training in Hindustani classical music with pop, rock, electronica and film soundtracks to raise awareness of pressing social issues including climate change, refugees and mental health.

The winners of the 2022 Music Awards were selected by a master jury from a field of nearly 400 nominees from 42 countries. They will share US$500,000 in prize money and receive professional development opportunities.

These opportunities include commissions for the creation of new works, contracts for recording and artist management, support for pilot education initiatives and technical or curatorial advice for music archiving, preservation and dissemination projects.

In his closing remarks, Aga Khan Music Awards Director Fairuz Nishanova expressed gratitude for the invitation from the Sultanate of Oman to celebrate the awards in Muscat on behalf of the Music Awards and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, and the Omani Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, the Royal Opera House Muscat and its In collaboration with the House of Musical Arts and the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra, which performed at the event on Saturday.

Quoting Prince Amin Aga Khan’s remarks at the previous evening’s performance of the award winners, he added, “Despite our many apparent differences, we could not have hoped for a clearer display of the power of music to affect our emotions. And our dreams.”

The winners’ performances and awards were presented in front of a packed audience at the House of Musical Arts, Royal Opera House Muscat. It included Omani dignitaries and officials, members of the diplomatic corps, musicians and academics, international guests of the Music Awards including the Award Master Jury and Steering Committee, and representatives of many Aga Khan Development Network institutions.

the winners

Zakir Hussain (India)

The Special Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a highly visible model of an enlightened cross-cultural musician who has elevated the status of tabla both in India and around the world through countless artistic collaborations, concert tours, commissions, recordings and film scores.

Afel Bokum (Gardener)

Singer and guitarist from Niafunke, Mali whose music combines acoustic guitar with local instruments to echo the sounds of ‘desert blues’ in an earthy, heritage-based style.

Asin Khan Langa (India)

Sarangi is a sarangi player, singer, composer and community activist from the hereditary Langa musical community of Rajasthan, who performs Sufi poetry in traditional and newly composed tunes.

Koumbane Mint Elle Warakane (Mauritania)

Singer and ardin (harp) player from Trarza in southwestern Mauritania, who performs Mauritanian griot music in a deeply traditional style.

Dawood Khan Sadozai (Afghanistan)

A leading exponent of Afghan rubab who has had a major impact on the preservation, development and dissemination of Afghan music worldwide.

Penny Candra Rini (Indonesia)

Indonesian composer, improviser, vocalist and educator whose knowledge of traditional Indonesian performing arts informs his creation of new works produced worldwide.

Soumik Dutta (UK)

Sarod musician who fuses his training in Hindustani classical music with pop, rock, electronica and film soundtracks to raise awareness of pressing social issues including climate change, refugees and mental health.

Yahya Hossain Abdullah (Tanzania)

Devotional singer and composer and Quran reciter from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, who composes and sings in Swahili as well as 126 local languages ​​of Tanzania.

Yasmin Shahhosseini (Iran)

A leading young master of oud who is reimagining the instrument’s place in Iranian music through his innovative compositions and improvisations.

Jharsanga (Pakistan)

Singer of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, known as the Queen of Pashtun Folklore for her career-long dedication to the orally transmitted traditional music of the tribal Pashtuns.

Musallam Al Kathiri (Oman)

Musallam Al Kathiri was selected by the jury for a special award for service in service to Omani musical heritage. Kathiri, a Muscat-based music researcher, arts manager, performer and composer, has made significant contributions to the collection, documentation, preservation and dissemination of Omani music.

Special mention

Dilshad Khan (India)

A tenth-generation sarangi player of Rajasthani lineage who is expanding the sarangi language through film music and innovative cross-cultural collaborative projects.

Golshan Ensemble (Iran)

Four women who perform Iranian traditional music with contemporary sounds and are active as teachers, with a special focus on passing on their musical heritage to girls and women.

Sain Jahoor (Pakistan)

Punjabi musicians with a lifelong practice of singing Sufi poetry at local shrines and festivals, often accompanied by ecstatic dancing.

Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi and Mahur Institute (Iran)

Mahur is the founder and longtime director of the Institute of Culture and Arts, who has made significant contributions to the development of Iranian music and musicology.

Zulkifli and Buram (Aceh, Indonesia)

Revivalists of Acehnese singing traditions who have built community among youth through their participation in Buram, a traditional singing and drumming ensemble founded by Zulkifli.


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