Diablo 3 took so long to get its auction site removed because “it was on the box” | Biden News


Three former Blizzard and Blizzard North bigwigs gave a panel talk last weekend at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, discussing the Diablo series and their respective roles in its history. Matt Householder was a producer, Matt Uelmen did music and sound design, while Jay Wilson had various roles before becoming lead designer on Diablo 3.

The timeline gets pretty interesting around the mid-2000s when, basically, World of Warcraft takes off and Blizzard North has just been shut down (the studio’s last day was August 1, 2005). It was around this period that Jay Wilson joined Blizzard, and the Diablo 3 that Blizzard North was working on was offered “in-house” under his direction.


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