Live PC Give PC starts | Biden News


Volunteers for the Joseph James Morelli Legacy Foundation show their spirit during last year’s Live PC Give PC day of giving. This year’s fundraiser, facilitated by the Park City Community Foundation, will be held on Friday, November 4th. David Jackson/Park Record
David Jackson/Park Record

Park City Community Foundation will be celebrating 12 years of Live PC Give PC on Friday November 4th.

The annual online day of giving, where the public will make donations to local organizations, will benefit 125 participating nonprofits.

As with past Live PC Give PC fundraisers, the goal is not so much monetary as it is participatory, said Christine Coleman, vice president of communications and marketing. “The overall goal is for the nonprofits to collectively raise 6,500 donors,” she said. “It’s all about encouraging participation and involving people of all backgrounds and ages to support our nonprofits that help our community thrive.”

To participate, donors need only give a minimum of $5, but larger amounts are always welcome, according to Coleman.

“There are nonprofits of all kinds — arts, education, health care, animals, environment and sports — you name it,” she said. “We believe that these nonprofit organizations, through their work, benefit the people who live here and the people who come to visit.”

A couple of new participating nonprofits include Wasatch Mountain Institute and the Park City LGBTQ+ Task Force, Coleman said. “This is their first year participating, so it will be interesting to see how they do,” she said.

Many of this year’s participating nonprofits have secured matching grants for Live PC Give PC, which will match any donations, Coleman said.

Plus, Park City Community Foundation is bringing back another favorite fundraising incentive — points. “This is where nonprofits engage in friendly competition against each other,” Coleman said. “Organizations receive awards based on the number of unique donors.”

A total of $35,000 in prize money has been set aside for leaderboard winners, with the largest being the All Nonprofits Leaderboard which will award $1,250, $1,000 and $750 for first, second and third place based on the number of unique donors, Coleman said.

Other leaderboards — Arts and Culture, People and Advocacy, Education, Keep Moving, Healthy Minds and Bodies, and Environment and Animals — will hand out $1,000, $750 and $500.

livpcgivepclogo copy

Live PC Give PC 2022 will also include a Year Over Year Donor Growth Challenge, which will award prizes of $1,750 to $1,000 to nonprofits that have shown the greatest growth in donors from 2021 to 2022, and a Park City Spirit Challenge will award $1,000 to the nonprofit which shows the most Live PC Give PC spirit, Coleman said.

Live PC Give PC this year will also feature a new donor challenge that will increase donations from new donors by $10, Coleman said.

“We will also be hosting two Power Hours that will boost donations by another $10,” she said. “We will announce those times throughout the day.”

A live PC Give PC community party, to be held from 4-9 pm at the Town Lift Plaza, will add to the festivities. The party, which is open to the public, will feature music by DJ Dolphand family-friendly games and activities, according to Coleman.

“Snow or shine, we’ll be there, and we’ll have heaters around the plaza,” Coleman said. “We will broadcast a short part of it around 6 o’clock on our website for those who cannot join us in person.”

This year’s Live PC Give PC is crucial for local nonprofits that have been affected by inflation and COVID-19, Coleman said.

“We see nonprofits that are struggling, and we want to make sure they can fill the coffers so people who need their support can get it,” she said. “Parkites have always been people who will roll up their sleeves, give their time, talents and efforts and open their pocketbooks to address issues in our community.”


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