15 Receives the Aga Khan Music Award | Biden News


Dilshad Khan (India)

A tenth-generation sarangi player of Rajasthani lineage who is expanding the sarangi language through film music and innovative cross-cultural collaborative projects.

Golshan Ensemble (Iran)

Four women who perform Iranian traditional music with contemporary sounds and are active as teachers, with a special focus on passing on their musical heritage to girls and women.

Sain Jahoor (Pakistan)

Punjabi musicians with a lifelong practice of singing Sufi poetry at local shrines and festivals, often accompanied by ecstatic dancing.

Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi and Mahur Institute (Iran)

Mahur is the founder and longtime director of the Institute of Culture and Arts, who has made significant contributions to the development of Iranian music and musicology.

Zulkifli and Buram (Aceh, Indonesia)

Revivalists of Acehnese singing traditions who have built community among youth through their participation in Buram, a traditional singing and drumming ensemble founded by Zulkifli.

The Master Jury of the Aga Khan Music Awards named Musallam Al-Kathiri as the winner of the Special Award for Service in Service to Omani Musical Heritage.

Musallam Al-Kathiri, a music researcher, arts manager, artist and composer from Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, has made significant contributions to the collection, documentation, preservation and dissemination of Omani music.


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